
Media Library

Our great conviction at St Mary's is that when the Bible is faithfully taught and proclaimed people hear the voice of God. Therefore it is the aim of all those who preach at St Mary's to be trustworthy in their handling of the Bible, and as clear and compelling as they can in their expounding of the Scriptures.

We encourage all those who attend St Mary's to follow along in their Bibles so then can check for themselves that what is being said and taught is faithful to the Bible.

It's now possible to subscribe to downloads of sermons from the St Mary's web site:

For more details on what podcasts are and how to subscribe, take a look at this article by Apple.

Search results for '"god's new society"'...

Select the first column to get to the recordings.

Sun 22nd Jul 2018 09:15 9:15am Service Ephesians 6:18-24 God's New Society Pray in the Spirit Jon Drake
Sun 15th Jul 2018 09:15 9:15am Service Ephesians 6:10-20 God's New Society The Armour of God Jon Drake
Sun 08th Jul 2018 09:15 9:15am Service Ephesians 6:1-9 God's New Society Family and Work Neil Watkinson
Sun 01st Jul 2018 09:15 9:15am Service Ephesians 5:22-33 God's New Society Wives and Husbands Will Stileman
Sun 24th Jun 2018 09:15 9:15am Service Ephesians 5:1-21 God's New Society Children of Light Jon Drake
Sun 17th Jun 2018 09:15 9:15am Service Ephesians 4:17-5:2 God's New Society A new set of clothes Jon Drake
Sun 03rd Jun 2018 09:15 9:15am Service Ephesians 3:14-21 God's New Society Prayer for Power Jon Drake
Sun 27th May 2018 09:15 9:15am Service Ephesians 3:1-13 God's New Society Members Together of one Body Jon Drake
Sun 20th May 2018 09:15 9:15am Service Ephesians 2:11-22 God's New Society Fellow-Citizens Will Stileman
Sun 13th May 2018 09:15 9:15am Service Ephesians 2:1-10 God's New Society Resurrected with Jesus Will Stileman
Sun 06th May 2018 09:15 9:15am Service Ephesians 1:15-23 God's New Society Prayer for Knowledge Jon Drake
Sun 29th Apr 2018 09:15 9:15am Service Ephesians 1:1-14 God's New Society Every Spiritual Blessing Jon Drake

Search the media library

There are recordings here going back several years. Not just services, but Men's Breakfasts, Church Away Days,  etc.

For most of the recordings you need to sign up for an account on the web site (go to "Log in" then "Help, I can't get in..."), however many of the talks are now being made available for anonymous access.

Type in things to search for. Use quotes for phrases. For example:

  • recent searches in the last few weeks
  • 18:30 Will recent searches for recent sermons by Will at the evening service
  • "spirit filled church" will get the 'Spirit Filled Church' talk from the 29th May 2005
  • Jan 2009 will get all the services in that month
  • "1 John" will get the sermon series on 1 John from June 2008