
Nov 2023










Clocks go back
29 Oct
08:00 8am Service
09:15 Morning Service
11:00 Morning Service
16:00 Afternoon Service
18:30 Evening Service
19:30 Afterchurch
30 Oct
19:00 Looking At The Life Of Jesus
19:30 Christian Foundations
31 Oct
18:00 Superhero Party
01 Nov
10:00 Wednesday Toddlers
18:00 7-Up
02 Nov
09:45 Men's Bible Study
10:00 Ukraine Welcome Hub
10:30 New Parents Group
19:30 iCaf
03 Nov
08:30 Friday Morning Prayers
09:45 Toddlers
18:00 X-Focus
19:15 Minor Key
20:00 Shift-Focus
04 Nov
09:00 Women's Breakfast
05 Nov
08:00 8am Service
09:15 Morning Service
11:00 Morning Service
16:00 Afternoon Service
18:30 Evening Communion
19:30 Afterchurch
06 Nov
19:00 Looking At The Life Of Jesus
20:00 Christian Foundations
07 Nov
08 Nov
10:00 Wednesday Toddlers
18:00 7-Up
09 Nov
09:45 Men's Bible Study
10:00 Ukraine Welcome Hub
10:30 New Parents Group
19:30 iCaf
20:00 St Mary's Evening
10 Nov
08:30 Friday Morning Prayers
09:45 Toddlers
18:00 X-Focus
19:15 Minor Key
20:00 Shift-Focus
11 Nov
08:15 Men's Breakfast
12 Nov
08:00 8am Service
09:15 All Age Service
11:00 Remembrance Civic Service
16:00 All Age Service
18:30 Evening Service
19:30 Afterchurch
13 Nov
19:00 Looking At The Life Of Jesus
19:30 Christian Foundations
14 Nov
15 Nov
10:00 Wednesday Toddlers
18:00 7-Up
16 Nov
09:45 Men's Bible Study
10:00 Ukraine Welcome Hub
10:30 New Parents Group
19:30 iCaf
17 Nov
08:30 Friday Morning Prayers
09:45 Toddlers
18:00 X-Focus
19:15 Minor Key
20:00 Shift-Focus
18 Nov
09:30 Garden Work Party
19:30 20s & 30s Evening - Is This Job Right For Me
19 Nov
08:00 8am Service
09:15 Morning Service
11:00 Morning Service
16:00 Afternoon Service
18:30 Evening Service
19:30 Afterchurch
20 Nov
19:00 Looking At The Life Of Jesus
19:30 Christian Foundations
21 Nov
22 Nov
10:00 Wednesday Toddlers
18:00 7-Up
23 Nov
09:45 Men's Bible Study
10:00 Ukraine Welcome Hub
10:30 New Parents Group
19:30 iCaf
24 Nov
08:30 Friday Morning Prayers
09:45 Toddlers
18:00 X-Focus
19:15 Minor Key
20:00 Shift-Focus
25 Nov
26 Nov
08:00 8am Service
09:15 Holy Communion
11:00 Holy Communion
16:00 Afternoon Service with communion
18:30 Evening Service
19:30 Afterchurch
27 Nov
19:00 Looking At The Life Of Jesus
19:30 Christian Foundations
28 Nov
19:00 Women's Gingerbread House Evening
29 Nov
10:00 Wednesday Toddlers
18:00 7-Up
30 Nov
09:45 Men's Bible Study
10:00 Ukraine Welcome Hub
10:30 New Parents Group
19:00 ALLsorts
19:30 iCaf
01 Dec
08:30 Friday Morning Prayers
09:45 Toddlers
18:00 X-Focus
19:15 Minor Key
20:00 Shift-Focus
02 Dec
03 Dec
08:00 8am Service
09:15 Morning Service
11:00 Morning Service
16:00 Afternoon Service
18:30 Evening Communion
19:30 Afterchurch
04 Dec
05 Dec
06 Dec
10:00 Wednesday Toddlers
07 Dec
09:45 Men's Bible Study
10:00 Ukraine Welcome Hub
10:30 New Parents Group
19:30 iCaf
08 Dec
08:30 Friday Morning Prayers
09:45 Toddlers
19:15 Minor Key
09 Dec