
May 2021










25 Apr
08:00 8am Service
08:00 Sunday School Online
09:15 Morning Service
11:00 Morning Service
16:00 Afternoon Service with Communion
18:30 Evening Service
26 Apr
09:45 Stepping Stones
27 Apr
28 Apr
29 Apr
09:45 Men's Bible Study
30 Apr
08:30 Friday Morning Prayers
09:45 Toddlers
19:15 Minor Key
01 May
02 May
08:00 8am Service
08:00 Sunday School Online
09:15 Morning Service
11:00 Morning Service
16:00 Afternoon Service
18:30 Evening Service
03 May
09:45 Stepping Stones
04 May
05 May
06 May
09:45 Men's Bible Study
07 May
08:30 Friday Morning Prayers
09:45 Toddlers
19:15 Minor Key
08 May
20:00 Singleness Matters seminar
09 May
08:00 8am Service
08:00 Sunday School Online
09:15 Morning Service
11:00 Morning Service
16:00 Afternoon Service
18:30 Evening Service,
10 May
09:45 Stepping Stones
19:00 Christianity Explored (Zoom)
19:30 Christian Foundations
11 May
12 May
Ascension Day
13 May
09:45 Men's Bible Study
20:00 St Mary's Evening (Zoom)
14 May
08:30 Friday Morning Prayers
09:45 Toddlers
19:15 Minor Key
15 May
16 May
08:00 8am Service
08:00 Sunday School Online
09:15 Morning Service
11:00 Morning Service
16:00 Afternoon Service
18:30 Evening Service
17 May
19:00 Christianity Explored (Zoom)
19:30 Christian Foundations
18 May
19 May
20 May
09:45 Men's Bible Study
21 May
08:30 Friday Morning Prayers
09:45 Toddlers
19:15 Minor Key
22 May
23 May
08:00 8am Service
08:00 Sunday School Online
09:15 Morning Service
11:00 Morning Service
16:00 Afternoon Service with Communion
18:30 Evening Service
24 May
09:45 Stepping Stones
19:00 Christianity Explored (Zoom)
19:30 Christian Foundations
25 May
26 May
18:00 7-Up
27 May
09:45 Men's Bible Study
28 May
08:30 Friday Morning Prayers
09:45 Toddlers
19:15 Minor Key
29 May
30 May
08:00 8am Service
08:00 Sunday School Online
09:15 Morning Service
11:00 Morning Service
16:00 Afternoon Service
18:30 Evening Service
31 May
01 Jun
02 Jun
03 Jun
09:45 Men's Bible Study
04 Jun
08:30 Friday Morning Prayers
05 Jun